Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Songs that can be inclined to certain scenes in the all-time famous novel Romeo and Juliet

                                                                     Act 3

scene 1: A public place

music: Mozart - Beethoven - Fur Elise

description: The tone of the song can be inclined with the arguments in the situation


scene 2: Capulet's Orchard

music: Liszt - Un Sospiro

description: the situation of the scene is cool with the song.


scene 3: Friar Laurence's Cell

Chopin - Revolutionary Etude (Op. 10 No. 12)

description: The song can be inclined with the fear that Romeo felt in the scene.


scene 4: A room in Capulet's house

Music: Mozart - Ronda Alla Turca


Scene 5: Capulet's Orchard

Music: Liszt - Liebestraum

Description: I believe this is one of the romantic scenes of the act.


                                                                     ACT 4

Scene 1: Friar Laurence's Cell

Music: Scott Joplin - The Entertainer

Description: the scene is fairly normal and happy, just like the song


Scene 2: Hall in Capulet's House

 Music: Mozart - Ronda Alla Turca

Description: The composition can be inclined with the giddy vibe.


Scene 3: Juliet's Chamber

Music: Chopin - Nocturne op. 9 no. 2

Description: The songs tune is sad, just like the scene
